Peer Review Procedure
The peer review process stands as a crucial and indispensable phase within the publication journey. It carries significant weight in preserving a journal’s credibility and reputation. The Journal of Law and Social Studies (JLSS) is unwavering in its commitment to maintaining the utmost rigour and precision in this process, thereby ensuring the delivery of high-quality content to its global readership. This commitment is founded on trust and confidence, aligning with the guidelines set forth by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC).
JLSS adheres to elevated review standards and exercises stringent control over submitted works. The peer review process encompasses several key stages:
- Internal Review: Each submitted paper undergoes an initial internal review, led by a dedicated editorial board member specializing in the relevant subject area. This internal review assesses several aspects, including adherence to the journal’s formatting standards, alignment with the defined scope, and compliance with publication ethics. Additionally, the reviewer evaluates the paper’s adherence to fundamental research design and analysis protocols and its contribution to the existing body of literature. Papers not meeting these fundamental requirements do not advance to external review. Authors are generally informed of this stage’s outcome within one to two weeks.
- External Review: Papers that successfully pass the internal review proceed to the external review stage. This phase employs a double-blind review process, safeguarding the identities of both authors and reviewers. Authors are encouraged not to include personal information within their papers and to avoid publicly posting their works, thus minimizing the risk of revealing their identities to potential reviewers.
Each paper is typically reviewed by two experts: one international and one national reviewer. These reviewers provide insights and recommendations on various aspects, including the paper’s originality, presentation quality, research design robustness, interpretation and significance of data and results, usefulness to the research community, and overall relevance and appeal. In cases where external reviewers identify major flaws in a paper that cannot be effectively addressed through significant revisions, they may recommend declining the paper.
This stringent peer review process is designed to ensure that only high-quality, original, and academically valuable papers are included in JLSS publications. This approach aligns with JLSS’s mission to deliver authoritative content of exceptional quality to its readers.
- Reviewer Selection Criteria: The selection of reviewers for submitted papers is a meticulous process. Reviewers are chosen based on key criteria to ensure their competence and impartiality. These criteria include:
Academic Credentials: Reviewers are required to hold a Ph.D. degree or possess advanced professional qualifications, reflecting a deep understanding of the subject matter.
Expertise: Reviewers are recognized experts in the relevant field, ideally with a track record of publications in reputable academic or professional research journals.
Absence of Collaboration: To maintain objectivity, reviewers should not have coauthored papers with the authors of the submitted work.
Institutional Independence: Reviewers should not be affiliated with the same institution as the authors, minimizing potential conflicts of interest.
Data Analysis Proficiency: Reviewers are selected for their proficiency in understanding and assessing data analysis methods, ensuring the ability to evaluate the research’s soundness.
- Resources for Reviewers: JLSS reviewers are distinguished academic and professional researchers with access to extensive research databases and the latest materials. If reviewers require additional resources to conduct effective reviews, these resources are made available to them, ensuring a comprehensive and thorough evaluation of each paper.
Publication Ethics for Reviewers: JLSS places great emphasis on ethical standards throughout the publication process. Reviewers are expected to adhere to guidelines outlined by the HEC for reviewers. These guidelines encompass maintaining objectivity, providing timely reviews, disclosing potential conflicts of interest, upholding strict confidentiality, and reporting any ethical concerns during the review process.
Peer Review Process Steps:
The peer review process at JLSS follows a well-structured and systematic procedure, as outlined below:
Submission of Paper: Authors submit their research papers for consideration.
First Internal Review: During this stage, each submitted paper undergoes an internal review to assess adherence to formatting and ethical standards. Papers that do not meet basic criteria are returned to the authors.
External Review: Papers that successfully pass the internal review proceed to external review. This involves a double-blind process where each paper is reviewed by one international and one national reviewer. Reviewers evaluate various aspects of the paper.
Communication with Authors: Review reports are communicated to authors, requiring necessary revisions. Authors are encouraged to revise their papers in line with reviewer suggestions.
Submission of Revised Paper: Authors submit their revised papers within a specified timeline.
Second Internal Review: Revised papers undergo a second internal review to assess the incorporation of reviewer suggestions.
Acceptance of Paper: Papers are accepted after successful revision.
This comprehensive peer review process not only ensures the quality and academic rigour of papers published in JLSS but also contributes to maintaining the journal’s reputation and integrity.
Resubmission of Papers (After Peer Review): Authors are encouraged to view revision requests as opportunities to enhance their research papers’ quality. Papers often undergo one or more rounds of revision before acceptance. Authors are urged to diligently address reviewer comments to prevent unnecessary delays.
Appeal/Complaint Process: JLSS is dedicated to delivering quality editorial services and building trust with contributors, readers, and practitioners. An appeal or complaint process is in place to address concerns related to publications causing harm, ethical matters, or the rejection of research papers. Authors and readers can submit appeals directly to the chief editor, who will review and forward the matter to an appropriate JLSS editorial board member. The board member will then determine the course of action, which may include accepting the appeal, further review, or upholding the original decision.
English Language Editing: Authors are responsible for ensuring that their research papers are free from errors in spelling, typing, grammar, and syntax. For authors whose native language is not English, it is recommended to seek language editing services to ensure that the paper adheres to high standards of language proficiency.
Plagiarism Policy: JLSS maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism, in strict accordance with HEC guidelines. Papers submitted to JLSS are screened using plagiarism detection software. Papers exhibiting similarity above the acceptable threshold are returned to the authors. If plagiarism or unethical practices are detected after publication, the editorial board has the authority to issue corrections or retractions as per HEC’s plagiarism policy.
Acceptance Rate: JLSS typically receives approximately 350 research paper submissions each year, with an acceptance rate of approximately 20%, reflecting the journal’s commitment to upholding high standards of quality and rigour in the research it publishes.