A Systematic Study on Entrepreneurial Passion: Critical Review and Future Research Guide

Author: Dr. Asif Yaseen, Dr. Khawar Naheed, Muhammad Haseeb Khan Khakwani 


This research explores comprehensive scholarship and reviews about the concept of Entrepreneurial Passion (EP). This critical exploration of literature highlights that passion underscores a pivotal assistance in entrepreneurship literature. The objective of scholarship is to comprehend the concept of EP, review the literature, and suggest avenues for future research in this specific field. This article defines EP by developing an understanding of its four dimensions: passion for developing, founding, and creating including passionate for work; ensemble and fanatical and observed. Inculcating theoretical and empirical frameworks on EP, this study also discusses several research methodologies (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, experimental, and intervention) used by various researchers in EP research. This study also reviews the antecedents and outcomes of EP mentioned in prior research. Finally, this study identifies research gaps that can extend their research using the EP concept.


Entrepreneurial Passion (EP), EP for venture creation, EP for Work, Obsessive Passion (OP) and Harmonious Passion (HP), Perceived EP, Literature Review.


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