Harassment in Public Places: Legal Framework and Societal Perspectives in Pakistan

Author: Jibran Jamshed, Aas Muhammad, Muhammad Aurangzeb Khan Khakwani 


Harassment in public spaces poses a significant threat to women’s safety and rights, impacting their freedom, dignity, and ability to engage in daily activities. This research delves into the multifaceted aspects of street harassment in Pakistan, examining its historical context, current legal framework, societal attitudes, and the challenges faced by women. Utilising data analysis and literature review, the study sheds light on the pervasive nature of street harassment, encompassing verbal, nonverbal, and physical forms of harassment experienced by women in public settings. The study proposes legislative reforms, improved law enforcement strategies, awareness campaigns, and community empowerment initiatives to address street harassment effectively. By exploring the impact of harassment on women’s rights and safety, this research contributes to creating safer and more inclusive public spaces in Pakistan.


Street Harassment, Gender-Based Violence, Legal framework


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DOI: 10.52279/jlss.06.04.395404 | 395-404  PDF