Publishing Fee Policy

The Journal of Law and Social Studies (JLSS) is deeply committed to providing open access to top-tier research content. As an initiative managed by the not-for-profit Advance Legal Research Foundation, JLSS operates independently, relying on its financial resources to cover operational costs. In contrast to journals with external sponsorships or government support, JLSS maintains both its financial independence and its dedication to offering a platform for outstanding research. 

In line with the need for financial sustainability and to meet global academic publishing standards, JLSS has established a modest publication fee policy. It’s worth noting that in the context of local Pakistani journals, publication charges are somewhat unconventional, sparking questions and concerns from various stakeholders. To address these issues, JLSS has crafted a comprehensive Publication Charges Policy that aligns with the practices of major international publishing houses, research groups, and journals. Moreover, special provisions have been made to provide financial relief to PhD scholars and young researchers in Pakistan. 

The Rationale for Publication Charges: 

While subscription-based journals generate revenue through subscription fees, open-access journals like JLSS provide content free of charge to readers. This makes it necessary to cover the costs associated with publishing through publication charges, which include editorial expenses, peer review administration, content promotion, circulation, indexing, website management, and more. Many open-access journals rely on article processing charges (APCs) to finance research article publication. 

Support for Meeting Charges: 

Authors are primarily responsible for covering publication charges. In many cases, institutions and research funders offer financial support for these expenses. Various funding bodies may choose to cover publication charges by establishing open access funds, including these costs in their general funding, or paying fees as part of a membership model or research incentive. 

However, not all authors or researchers have the financial support of an institution or a proper research funder. To address this concern, JLSS has introduced a financial contribution model known as “Freedom Article Publishing Charges.” This model allows authors to determine the amount they can contribute toward the publication charges of their research in the open-access journal. JLSS operates this Freedom APC model specifically to benefit PhD scholars, MS/MPhil scholars, and undergraduate students who may lack financial resources. This initiative aims to encourage and support young researchers in Pakistan. 

JLSS Publishing Fee Structure: 

JLSS divides its publication fees into two phases: 

  1. A) Article Processing Charges (APCs):

Article submission is free, and authors receive an acknowledgement letter upon submission. 

The submitted article undergoes a PreEditorial review, which assesses adherence to JLSS Publishing Policy’s basic criteria. 

Article Processing Charges make up approximately 45% of the total charges and cover editorial work, review and evaluation, technical infrastructure, and article production. It’s important to note that the payment of Article Processing Charges does not guarantee article acceptance. 

  1. B) Article Publishing Charges:

Article Publishing Charges constitute about 55% of the total charges and cover various aspects of publication, including journal marketing, content promotion, customer service, content circulation, and inclusion in reputable research databases and directories. 

Publication Charges: 

     Article Processing fee: PKR 7,000 

     Publication fee for an article: PKR 33,000 


JLSS offers individual waiver requests on a case-by-case basis for authors who genuinely require financial assistance. Eligible candidates for such waivers include national excellence award recipients, undergraduates with high quality manuscripts, orphans, individuals with disabilities, and those affected by the war on terror, including parents or siblings of martyrs. JLSS aims to support the publication of quality research by accommodating authors who may face financial challenges. 

JLSS’s publication fee policy is a balanced approach to sustain open-access publishing while making provisions to support authors, particularly young researchers and those with financial constraints. This approach ensures the continued availability of high quality research in the field of law and social studies while promoting equitable access to knowledge.